Aquarina’s Mask Mandate – Thoughts

It appears that the Board has taken a political position within the community and foisted its position upon the Residents with the Covid-19 “flu”. It’s now a requirement to wear a mask when in The Brassie Grille, the Golf Shop, and the Tennis Shop. It’s following an authoritarian medical posture similar to and as directed by the current Federal Administration.  It is ignoring the evidence based, data based, and science based information that the mainstream media also has ignored.  They would rather push an agenda of political medicine, in an obvious manner of country and community control.  However, it’s also understood that there are those who may feel more comfortable wearing a mask in certain situations, but that should occur in an environment of choice, and not in an environment of an entrance requirement.  Remember, the CDC (Center of Disease Control) “recommends” wearing a mask in certain circumstances.  Remember also, the CDC’s history of Covid-19 Virus announcements has included unreliability, interpretive statements, backpedaling, and retractions.

Here are some facts on masks and Covid-19.

  • The N-95 mask, other than full on oxygen supplying masks, is the closest mask for possible protection available, if masks are insisted upon.  Yet, even this mask is nowhere full proof, and any efficacy depends on how it is used and how it was cared for by its owner or maybe owners.  Yes, owners.
  • The N-95 mask suppresses objects greater than 0.3 microns, the Corona Virus is 0.1 micron and can easily pass through the mask.
  • The eyes have as much susceptibility to human entry by the virus as does the nose and mouth. BTW – how many folks have you seen with their masks below their nose?  Hospital workers wear goggles when in contact with Covid-19 patients.
  • Do we know how folks have handled their masks? Is it stored in a sanitized plastic bag or container when not in use?  Is it sanitized after each use?  Is it touched by hands not sanitized? I could go on and on with mask care.  The mask is like a filter and accumulates airborne particles, and it’s right on your face.  There is no knowing how it’s been managed by the person wearing it, who may be sitting next to you.
  • Now masks will be required in The Brassie Grille.  The requirement of masks for patrons in a restaurant/bar is not sensible.  You wear it into the restaurant/bar, and then you remove it to eat and drink. By removing it, you touch it and place it where, your sanitized pocket, the sanitized table or counter? Oh yes, when you remove it, does the Covid-19 Virus know now to avoid you when eating and drinking? Or is there a protective magical bubble that encompasses you when imbibing and eating?
  • Our Governor, Ron DeSantis, has opened up Florida from lock-downs, and does not require the wearing of masks in public settings, and prohibits any punishment for not wearing them.  Though business owners may require masks, which is the business owners’ decision, i.e. which can be considered a controlling decision in itself.
  • The Federal Administration has not provided any data based, evidence based, and science based information on mask effectiveness protecting folks from the Virus. They have not provided any peer based review of studies with the mask. All we hear are Federal Covid-19 political mask directives without medical merit.
  • The federal Covid-19 Czar and spokesperson, “Dr.” Anthony Fauci has said at the outset of the pandemic that cloth masks do not stop the penetration of the Covid-19 virus particle. Further, he continues to waffle on all matters of the pandemic.

Here’s what we know.

  • Masks appear, for some, to be fashion statements and a badge of political belief and a political following setting them apart from non-mask wearers. Have you seen people driving in a vehicle by themselves with a mask on? What?
  • We have been told not to wear a mask, to wear a mask, to wear multiple masks, to again not to wear a mask, multiple times without scientific reason.
  • The Covid-19 Test and the recent Covid-19 Vaccine have now been debunked by the CDC (Center for Disease Control). This will be explained in a Coming Soon Post.
  • The Covid-19 Virus, though virulent, has a typical virus profile as many past viruses. It is recoverable for most folks within a week or so; however, those with pre-existing and existing conditions, and the elderly are more susceptible and vulnerable to a more serious outbreak from the Virus. I know folks who allegedly tested positive for the Covona-19 Virus and recovered in several days.  They were non-vaccinated and recuperated with readily available medicines.
  • There is a strong argument that this Covid-19 Virus has been overplayed by the Federal Administration and the main stream media. It could be said that it has been weaponized to enforce a political agenda of control over our populous. Think about it, what we have been going through within these past two years is unprecedented.
  • Two strong political factions are emerging from the chaos that do not seem to be able to work together for the good of our country, i.e. one faction is determined to go in the direction of a far left political movement, and the other is determined to maintain the Constitutional values we have had and continue to have.

Bottom Line – Do your own research and make your own decision on mask use.

More to continue . . .