Aquarina Voice Update

Hellos fellow residents.

The Voice is on a business  required off mainland trip.  However, coming this week will be an  AGI disclosure and a dialogue on the Board’s reckless behavior with our resident funds.

It’s interesting how we sit back and watch our quarterly payments and assessments taken from us on a Board agenda and not a community agenda.

Is social acceptance within the community worth what we pay?

That’s the question.

See Below for a Greatly Appreciated Comment with Another Point of View

An Aquarina Voice responds to each offered opinion.

It would seem that allowing people to post annonymously has opened the door to every minor complaint that exists.

Actually, this is not the case at all.  When you read through the Blog, the majority of the folks that comment are in agreement with the disclosures and thoughts that are provided, which are not  minor issues, but apparent costly blunders with the residents’ funds.

Anyone living in the real world and picks up a newspaper or turns on a computer should thank their lucky stars they live in Aquarina and Melbourne Beach.

You are absolutely correct!

Sorry people it’s a tough world out there and a bumpy entrance hardly qualifies as a real hardship.

What must be realized is the entrance pavers have not been addressed for 35 years.  This is the entrance to a desired resort community and a roadway that is used 24/7.  Curb appeal and a non-consequential drive to enter Aquarina are very important to provide value to our neighborhood and to our homes. Keeping up the worth of our property is something we all want and need.  This condition has possible consequences that are much more than an inconvenience – the public’s perception of Aquarina.   Not repairing this common element because there are worse conditions existing in the world seems nonsensical. 

It is easy to complain, but few seem to really have new ideas or being willing to donate their precious time as a board member. It is easy to look for what is wrong and takes little time, how about we look at all that is right.

Understood.  However, doing good does not excuse  what may be considered doing bad, and not in the best interest of the community.  When read, the Blog is not all negative in what has been disclosed and discussed.  Interestingly, the highest visitor count is found with the disclosures and discussions, and not with the upbeat postings. 

All the volunteer work to improve Aquarina should be heralded and appreciated; however, it takes time and initiative to address what is wrong when apparent wayward behavior exists.  I have “served” time as Secretary, Treasurer, VP, and President in this community and the South Beaches over the past 37 years.  Note the word “served”.  Does this Board mostly  serve and listen or does this Board mostly dictate and ignore?

Did you not see the golf course when you bought your home here, open your eyes. It was ther in plain sight. The reality of life is hard decisions need to be made every day all over our great country. What gets fixed, what doesn’t, who is to decide it all seems a little too much.

The Golf Course adds value to the community, sets it above other communities, adds wonderful curb appeal, provides a park like and serene setting, and offers convenient golfing to the residents.  All these perks are what draw folks here.  However, this asset needs to be managed in a balanced manner with the other common elements.  Certainly, the Golf Course is our main asset and it also is our main liability. It’s a business too, and its costs need to be commensurate with its ability to make a profit or at least some profit with “measured” resident subsidies.  There should be no excuses that it is being overseen as best as possible. Running the Golf Course compared to running our great country is nonsensical.

Everyone who lives here is in paradise, there is little crime, no poverty and the sun shines almost everyday.

You are absolutely correct!

Quit the whining the crying, get up tomorrow look out your window and say thank you. This board is trying and working, feel free to run for it and find out how easy it is. Talk is cheap.

The Blog is not whining and crying.  The Blog invites open discussion with Board actions that appear misguided and not within Aquarina’s By-Laws and CC&R’s.  Talk reveals unforeseen and unknown behavior, encourages debate, and  leads to an acceptable resolution or NOT.  There is a democratic process to decide matters.

By the way I am not on the board just a resident who can read the newspaper that tells really serious world stories.

Be careful with that “Fake News”.  LOL.

God Bless Aquarina, God Bless America.

You are absolutely correct!

Something that Impacts all of Us

Everyday we  exit and enter Aquarina.  Bump, bump, bump as we enter our Aquarina and bump, bump, bump as we exit our Aquarina.  This entrance is the first impression of our community.  These pavers have been existing  for 33 years.  They are due for a tune up, i.e. a resetting.  The cost to correct this ongoing condition is certainly less than what we are presently spending  on indulgent projects.

We spend our funds on moving a work out room and embellishing a golf Maintenance Yard to a condition beyond what is commensurate for our golf course, yet we are bounced exiting and entering or community.

Again, what are our Board of Directors thinking?

Your thoughts?

Is There a Problem at Hole 17?

We were on a walk this evening and heard a loud wining noise and saw a flashing red light in the clump of bushes by the Tee Box at Hole 17.  We walked over to investigate and within the vegetation was a large stainless steel box (electrical) with a large cement manhole cover in front of it in the ground.  A pole at the top of the metal box and a red light at the end of the pole was flashing.  A loud wining sound was going off.

Does anyone know what this could be? It’s obviously some kind of warning for this site.

Commencing Immediately any Received Comments will be Posted Anonymously

The Voice wants to encourage Comments, thoughts, opinions, etc. and create a dialogue within the Aquarina Community.  The posting of Comments anonymously may encourage more folks to participate.  Of course, if you want to be recognized with your Comment, then make a note of that and your name will be included with your post.  Again, your Comment will be posted anonymously unless you direct otherwise.

Some Upcoming Observations and Hopeful Dialogue after the Fourth Festivities

The following subjects will be discussed with the next postings in the Blog.

  • Aquarina Golf’s emerging and rising industrial complex by the water treatment plant.
  • Priority step planning with our reserves.
  • Are the Board of Directors and our By-Laws and CC&R’s in sync?
  • What’s next for the Admin Building?
  • How can the residents call for a community meeting?


Some Aquarina Observations and Thoughts

  • It was good for folks to have the meeting last evening  where a face to face with the new gate access company was made available for an orientation and questions.  Those without the “Smart Phones” may be challenged (The Voice still maintains a “Flip Phone”for back up – LOL); however, I would think home computer access to the system should also be available to notify the system of additions and changes for others to access through the gate.  Hopefully, the transition to this new system will be as seamless as possible.


  • The Fourth of July gathering coming up at the Beach Clubhouse is a wonderful way to meet other residents and bond again with neighbors, where existing relationships can be strengthened and community differences can be discussed and better understood.


  • Has anyone noticed that the old Aquarina Beach access and parking area have been cleared and cleaned up.  Hmm.

Have a Wonderful and Safe Fourth of July!    


Uh Oh . . . Here We Go Again. Unlicensed Work at Admin Building

As you all may have noticed, in the past few months the Admin Building roof had been redone.  This is for which our funds should be used, keeping up assets that need repair.  This is a good example of our reserves being used correctly.

HOWEVER, see the links below, which show County Citations on the roof work that was completed.  Unfortunately, the work was done by an unlicensed contractor per the County.  Fines were levied and paid with a signature of acknowledgement for the violation. This situation begs the questions.

  • Was the contractor insured?
  • Did the contractor (unlicensed) have the skill level to do the job correctly?
  • Was the fine payment part of the total cost to do the job, i.e. our cost?

It is understood that our Board of Directors are not licensed building or roofing contractors.  However, aren’t they responsible for  selecting licensed and insured contractors to complete work correctly that needs to be done?

It would seem that as custodians and stewards of our community funds and having the fiduciary responsibility to oversee these funds, would not decisions to spend the funds be directed with careful consideration that the funds are spent with prudence that lead to expected successful results?

roof 3 roof citation 2 roof citation

Your comments are always appreciated for our community dialogue.